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Analyse occupancy and calls, set filters, and export reports to Excel, including understaffing and warnings.

Guus de Zwart avatar
Written by Guus de Zwart
Updated over 8 months ago

On the analytics page you will find an overview of the emergency response information of your organisation. The visible information depends on the filters set for that purpose. Via the export button it is possible to export the overview to an Excel file.

Analytics overview

You can use the presence graph to gain insight into the staffing of your emergency response organisation. The horizontal axis of the graph shows the time and date and the vertical axis shows the number of present emergency responders. When you move your mouse over the line you will see this information appear in the form of a pop-up.

View more details

Click on the date to view the understaffing in more detail.

Zooming in

You can scroll to zoom in and out of the graph. You can also make a selection by holding down your mouse and selecting an area. Press Restore zoom or scroll to zoom out completely.

Reset zoom

Restore zoom

Export analytics

When you press the export button an Excel file will be downloaded containing data from your selected filters. By default, the filter is set to a location where all sectors and groups are selected. The reporting period is one week by default. User data can be anonymised per organisation if desired.

The Excel file contains the following information:

  • All alerts that meet the filter criteria.

  • The alert data contains: date, time, location, sector, scenario, created by, notification message, time until sufficient users, and the filled out evaluation forms.

  • The presence information that meets the filter criteria.

  • Warnings set (presence measurement points).

When you've selected multiple locations in the export dialog; you'll get a .zip file instead. This file contain an Excel file per location.

Monthly analytics

It is also possible to receive a monthly email, which can easily create this export for the past month.

Once a month, an email will be sent. In that email, you can click on 'download report,' which will direct you to the Safeguard dashboard. By clicking 'export,' the analytics for the past month will be exported immediately.

Filter options

The filter is adjustable per location. You can select the desired location via the drop-down menu on the left. A sector (standard: all sectors) and / or a group (standard: all groups) can also be selected. The time period can be changed by using the arrow buttons.

You can also set a time period manually by clicking on the dates. A pop-up with a calendar will appear. With the first click you indicate the start date and with the second click the end date of the filter.


Below the graph, you will find a table with all the understaffed moments. These depend on your set filter and your set warnings.

How is it determined when I have understaffing?

You determine when there is understaffing. The warning function is used for this. Read here how to set it up.

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