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Administration - Users

Add users via email, assign roles, and modify data or roles.

Guus de Zwart avatar
Written by Guus de Zwart
Updated over 8 months ago

Adding users to your Safeguard environment can be done in several ways:

Single users or a small group of users

To add a single user to your Safeguard environment, click on 'Administration' > 'Invite'. You will only have to enter a name and e-mail adres to invite a certain person to use the app. Once you have entered the correct information, click on the 'Send invitation' button. This person will receive an e-mail that will have to be openend on their smartphone.

You can also appoint a certain role to a person within your Safeguard environment. We have the following roles available:

Callable user: These are the persons that will only have acces to the Safeguard app so that they can be alarmed when needed. The majority of your users will have this role.

Dashboard user: persons with this role will only have access to a limited version of the dashboard. They can view the presence of emergency responders and send alarms; the 'Administration' and 'reporting' tabs will not be transparent.

Location Admin: An administrator with access primarily to users, scenarios, checklists and groups for his / her own location.

Administrator: This role has full access to both the Safeguard app and the dashboard. This person can add users and change all settings within your environment.

In the invitation screen, you can optionally assign a function to a specific user. This function will then be displayed under the name in the presence overview. Examples include 'Head of ER,' First Aid or 'Team Leader'.

Invitations to the Safeguard app are valid for 24 hours. If the invitation has expired, you can easily send a new invitation from the 'users' tab by clicking on the arrow next to the name of the relevant user.

Invite a larger group of people at once.

Within the Safeguard dashboard it is also possible to invite a large group of users at once. Click on the 'management' tab and then, on the right, 'import'.

You can download an example Excel file here in which you can add a list of names and email addresses of the desired app users. You can then save and upload this file and all persons will be invited at the same time. Entering a mobile phone number is optional, because when installing the app, app users must enter their own phone number.

Editing users

To change a name or, for example, the email address of an app user within your Safeguard environment, click on 'Administration'; then you will see a list of active and invited persons. Click on the pen icon behind a user to view their current account information. Here you can change the desired information and then save it.

You can also re-invite people from this screen or change their current role.

Exporting Users

It is also possible to export the users in your Safeguard organization to an Excel file.

The export can be made by going to the 'administration' menu in the dashboard and clicking on the three dots in the top right corner. Select 'export.' Additionally, you can create a more targeted export by selecting user type, locations, and/or groups.

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