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View presence
Guus de Zwart avatar
Written by Guus de Zwart
Updated over 11 months ago

The presence screen provides an overview of all emergency responders present at the locations that are accessible to you.

The present emergency are classified by sector. In the above image, the location "Headquarters" is divided into two sectors: Sector 1 and Sector 2.

You can also see in the occupancy overview any 'guests' present. These are aid workers from your organisation but with a different default location. They are emergency responders who may not frequently be present at the location they are currently at. They are indicated by a red coffee mug next to their profile.

If an emergency responder is present at a location but not in any of the available sectors, the user will be displayed under the 'unknown' sector.

View contact details

When you click on a profile picture, a dialog box appears with the details of this user. These details include an email address and the phone number of this user.

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