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Evaluation form

Send evaluation forms with templates, receive updates, export results to PDF/Excel for analysis.

Guus de Zwart avatar
Written by Guus de Zwart
Updated over 11 months ago

Who can use this feature?

🖥 Management and starting of evaluations via the Safeguard Dashboard

📱 Filling out evaluation forms via the App

💡 Don't see your evaluation forms? The module may be disabled. Request the module through the My Organisation screen under the Profile menu in the dashboard.

The evaluation form module can be used to easily send your current evaluations or fill them in from the dashboard. It is possible to create templates that fit your organization. Receive updates on who has filled out the form and view how the form has been filled. Viewing completed results also offers the possibility to export the form to a PDF or Excel file.

Creating Templates for My Organization

To use evaluation forms, you can use your own templates or the default template that we have set up for you.

You can find the template gallery in the Report overview.

The Template Gallery

By default, there is 1 template in the gallery as an example. You can modify or remove it. You can also choose to create your own template.

Creating a Template

Navigate to the template gallery in the notification overview. Then, click on Create Template. Fill in a title and a description for the template.

You may recognise the screen from questionnaires. It works the same way. Click on the + icon to create a question. You can add three types of questions: multiple-choice questions, single-choice questions, or an open question. To make it easier for you, we have also added yes/no and score question options.

When you click on a question, a window with question settings appears on the right. This includes an option to duplicate a question with answers, change the question type, or delete the question.

Making the Evaluation Form Available

  1. Make sure the report is completed.

  2. Go to the list screen and click on the + icon.

  3. Select a template and click on "Use Template."

  4. Choose to share the evaluation form or fill it in yourself.

Optionally, you can receive an email when someone has filled out the form. You can add administrators in the sharing options.

Filling Out the Evaluation Form

Filling out through the dashboard

Click the "Fill out Evaluation Form" button or under the "Filled by" heading, click "Fill in" next to your name.

After this, the form will open, and you can answer the questions. You can also add images at the top.

Can't click "Submit"? Double-check if all required questions are filled in.

Filling out through the app

When the form is shared, people who were present at the notification can start the evaluation form via the notification details screen.

Filling it out works the same way as through the dashboard. You complete the set template and add images.


Completed results can be viewed per user. Select under the "Filled by" heading which users' results you want to see.

Exporting Results

The results are available in Excel or PDF format. When you choose Excel, you will receive an Excel file with all the answers. This allows you to perform trend analyses, for example. There is also a PDF format available. It presents all the information from a notification neatly. How many people were on location? Who responded? How fast was the response?

This PDF also contains all the photos added to the evaluation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can't I fill out the evaluation form?

  • The report is not yet completed, and the evaluation form is not yet open.

  • You can open it through the Safeguard Dashboard in the alerts.

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