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App - Presence

Automatic attendance registration via GPS/Wi-Fi. See colleagues, call directly from the app, manage status, and set quick actions.

Guus de Zwart avatar
Written by Guus de Zwart
Updated over 11 months ago

Presence Detection

The Safeguard app ensures that you will be automatically registered as 'present' when entering your office or other work location. We use the GPS module inside of your smartphone and WiFi acces points for this presence detection.

Presence overview within the app

The Safeguard app allows you to view the realtime presence of emergency responders on your location. This is shown in the 'location' tab in the bottom left corner of the app. In general, you will only see the presence of your colleagues if you are present yourself. You can press on the profile picture of an emergency responder to view their telephone number for a direct call.


At the top of the screen, you can see the status of your app. We distinguish several statuses:

  • You are alertable

    • The app is set up correctly, and you are on location.

  • You are not alertable

    • You are not on location or something may not be set up correctly.

Solving status problems

The app itself indicates when a setting may not be set up correctly. Follow the instructions in the app to resolve these issues.

Setting up quick actions

Under your status, you will see a number of actions. These can be set up via the profile menu > preferences > manage quick actions. Enable or disable the desired actions.

Manually indicating your location

The button to manually set your presence has been moved to the profile menu. You can also choose to make this a quick action.

Manually indicating your location ensures that the app does not perform GPS updates within the specified time. You set an end time for when you will be present. Read more about manual presence here.

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